If you’re using the AIOSEO, then you must optimize your content SEO settings. Your content will rank higher if you understand the SEO content strategy.
SEO Content Strategy
There are some steps that are involved in taking care of your SEO content strategy.
Writing Best SEO Title – AIOSEO
Writing a good title entails many things. Title is the 1st impression of what’s inside your content. A good title can rank your content higher in search results. Never underestimate the power of a good title and you should strive to improve your title.
A good title is concise, comprehensive, has key words, contain power words, drive human emotion, excite brain, motivate action, show novelty and reflect good choice of words. Apart from all these qualities, a good title is not lengthy. So how to achieve all these qualities in few words? Read our Post “How to create a good title for your post?”
If you are using AIOSEO, you can see the score of your title. A good score is between 70-90. Click on it and check comment on your SEO Headline Analyzer. This score can tell you how your heading is rated. This is one of the good sign to guide you what to do and what not to do.
AIOSEO Title and Description of your Content
Open your content go to edit post. Scroll down the page and you’ll see the all-in-one SEO settings. In a preview section, you can see how your content looks in search results.
In the post title section, you can see the smart tags that are already there by default. You can leave it or customize it. If you enter hash character then other tags would also be visible. You can add emoji or text and the preview will show you how your content will look in search results.
Meta description are those lines which actually represent what post is all about. Two or three sentences that could best describe what your post is explaining. So these lines must trigger the readers to read more.
You have the tags to insert and by default there is post excerpt tag. Recommended length is 160 characters maximum.
You can enter text in this field and add emoji. If post excerpt length is increasing the recommended length that you can edit that. If you enter hash you can see some other tags available.
Improving SEO score of written content
Readers choose to read good articles. If your article is good, it will drive more traffic and engagement. A good writing captures the readers’ interest.
When information is represented in a way to makes it easy to understand and appealing, the viewers will share it to others. Simple short sentences and easy junior vocabulary is a key to write sentences.
Organize your material that one paragraph flow from the previous paragraph. In other words there should be a coherence among paragraphs. There are many techniques and strategies to improve SEO score of a written content. Go to this article to learn “How to improve SEO score of written content?“