Dimension and Image size knowledge is very important when creating content of website.

Another knowledge is about what type of blog images are best for google ranking. (Must know type of images for blog post)

You must know what image dimension is a requirement of all types of images used in your website. After knowing the dimension you must compress your created image to a smaller size. Websites like tinypng use technology where size is significantly reduced without noticeable difference in image quality.

Images are part and parcel of every website. They make websites beautiful and user friendly. But images must be optimized for websites. We must know the best sizes for post images of website. And we must know the banner and header image specifications for website.


Now 80% of users of any particular website are coming from mobile. People are using internet from their mobile phones. So websites must be optimized for all the devices. Responsive images are required to make uninterrupted user experience.

We have online tools to make images website friendly. Do you know? Image size can contribute to your WEBSITE SPEED AND RANKING! A website optimized for image sizes rank higher in google because it provide a better user experience.

If your image takes longer to open, your users can bounce back, leaving your site. Therefore your page load speed is important for a good user experience. And images plays major role in your site performance.

Main Type of Images and their Size

We came across five main type of images when creating a website:

  • Background images
  • Hero images,
  • Banners,
  • Blog images,
  • Logos.
Image KindDimension in pixelRatio
Background Image1920 x 1080 px (PPI-at least 72)16:9
Website Banner-Many Sizes-Desktop
Small Square, Square, Leaderboard etc

Popular for Ads-Placed before after inside content, at sidebar, before footer, after or before navigation bar
Small Sq- 200 x 200
Square-250 x 250 px
Leaderboard – 728 x 90
Banner – 468 x 60
Inline Rectangle – 300 x 250
Large Rectangle – 336 x 280
Skyscraper – 120 x 600
Wide Skyscraper – 160 x 600
Half-Page Ad – 300 x 600
Large Leaderboard – 970 x 90
Small ,large Square 1:1
Leaderboard 8:1
Banner 7.8: 1
Inline Rectangle 1.2:1
Large Rectangle 1.2:1
Skyscraper 1:5
Wide Skyscraper 1:3.75
Half-Page Ad 1:2
Large Leaderboard 10.78:1
Hero Image1280 x 720 px
Banner Hero image 1600 x 500
PPI- 72
Blog ImageMost common 1200 X 630 px
Landscape 1200 x 900 px
Portrait 900 x 1200 px
Most 3:2
FaviconMost common 16 x 16 px1:1
Logo – Square, Rectangle100 x 100 px
250 x 100 px
250 x 150
Social Media Icon32 x 32 px1:1
Thumbnail Image150 x 150 px1:1
LightBox Images (Full Screen)1600 x 500 px16:9

Creating Images and Reducing Image Size

From where I can create website images?

USE canva.com for creating images of specific dimensions. 1200 x 630 px blog image

How I reduce size of my website blog images?

USE tinypng.com to reduced that images

Some Fonts are more friendlier. The readers keep on reading those fonts naturally. Many bloggers choose popular fonts to increase website readability. Know about those fonts in this article “Best Fonts for Blog Readability”

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